Dienstag, 18. Januar 2011

Jugendtreffen 2011 in Frankreich

Es ist wieder soweit - das Jugendtreffen der AJNF wird vom 1. - 5. Juni stattfinden. Eingeladen sind alle 14 bis 27jährigen INF-Mitglieder in die "Domain La sablière", was übersetzt "Sandkasten" oder "Sandgrube" bedeutet. Eine wunderschöne, sehr idyllisch gelegene FKK Anlage im Süden Frankreichs am Fluss Ceze gelegen.

Weitere Informationen zum Treffen gibt es hier:

We are glad to invite you officially to the INF Youth Rally 2011, which will take place at Domaine de la Sablière from the 1st to the 5th of June 2011 !

For those who do not know Domaine de la Sablière yet, I could describe it briefly as a little naturist paradise, providing lots of pleasant facilities (sauna, indoor and outdoor swimming-pool…) as well as a wonderful natural environment around a cristal-clear river called la Cèze !
Domaine de la Sablière is located in South of France near Barjac, between Avignon and Montélimar.
In this region, the wheather in June is very likely to be sunny and warm…What would greatly contribute to make the youth-rally once again awesome !

The official theme for this year rally is going to be « Create » i.e. participants are going to be invited to express their creativity during the week-end !

Please visit the mini-website dedicated to the rally here :

All people age 14-26 from INF affiliated clubs are welcome to come and meet up, play games, sports, relax and learn about other naturist youth groups from around Europe.

PLEASE UNDERSTAND that membership of this facebook event does not state your actual participation. A registration at your local youth group is neccessary.

Corentin and the whole AJNF (the french youth naturists association) team
Domain La sablière:
(Informationen in deutscher Sprache)

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